General Information
- NEW in the Original Packaging
- Stocked & Shipped From - LEXINGTON, KY
What is This Part?
- These parts fix the shifting problems with both shifters:
- The Locating Lever Bolt goes inside the upper transmission housing and guides the shifter’s movement through gear changes
- The Sheet Shifters goes inside the Transfer case & Transmission shifter housing and sits under the shifters.
- Both are easy to remove and reinstall with an average total time of about 45 minutes.
- Direct Replacement
What Will I Receive?
- Qty 1 - Lever Locating Bolt (Large)
- Qty 1 - Sheet Shift (Transmission)
- Qty 1 - Sheet Shift (T-Case)
What Vehicle Will This Fit?
- Suzuki Samurai 1990 - 1995 All Models
- Suzuki SJ413 1990 - 1995 All Models